Education Queensland has developed a quality assured curriculum (Curriculum into the Classroom or C2C), for implementation in Queensland Schools and through explicit teaching and personalised units, programs, strategies and interventions, we believe we are providing a quality educational experience for all students. The AC (Australian Curriculum) is the underlying document that is used at CLSS to ensure all teaching and learning is aligned nationally.
The focus for the school (Explicit Improvement Agenda) is Reading. Throughout 2016, strategies have been implemented to improve this focus such as; QAR (Question Answer Relationship) to focus on comprehension, STRIVE (Vocabulary) and a range of reading strategies taught during guided, Shared and modelled reading times.
The key learning areas of The Arts, Technology, Health and Physical Education are all part of the overall curriculum framework and plans of our school.
At Coalstoun Lakes State School students in Year 4’s, 5’s and 6’s also undertake LOTE (Languages other than English) and learn the Chinese language, online. This is an online learning program in which the students participate.
Teacher and 'Supervised' Student iPad Program - Would you like your child to have access to a dedicated school owned and supervised wireless Apple iPad Air? At our school every student has a supervised device where they can work in a more personalised and productive way that mirrors the real world. Every student has access to their respective personal and classroom shared server drives as well as their student email account on their own device. The possibilities are limitless - come and take a look at our program if you get the chance, and decide if that is something that interests you.
Smart Moves - A whole school program operating 3 days per week to encourage morning exercise routines and physical fitness.
Spelling (Soundwaves) - A whole school program focusing on the explicit teaching spelling and the associated rules and choices. Soundwaves is used to support the spelling pedagogy provided to the students and is used to consolidate the spelling skills and knowledge learnt.
Mathematics- A whole school program has been developed to focus on building mathematical knowledge and applying this knowledge to CLSS problem solving program. The problem solving program had been adapted and adopted from Polyer’s program. During Mathematics students work in small groups, whole class and use Mathematics online to support their learning. Mathletics is an online program used to individualise learning for all students.
Reading QAR, Guided Reading - A whole school program for 30 minutes focused on ensuring students are learning, revising or reinforcing the evidence based decoding and comprehension strategies and skills to be successfully literate. QAR focusses on the skills to identify answers within the text and through using the language the author has used to create your own ideas of meanings and understanding. Reading Eggs/Express is also used to individualise students reading and to engage all students in use digital technologies.
The Arts- This area of the AC (Australian Curriculum) is covered weekly and are units devised for the domains of Arts. These include; Music, Drama, Visual Arts and Dance.
Sport Class - A whole school program, once per week for 30 minutes, focused on ensuring students have an end of week class game ranging from current interests, favourite class games and sports as well as attributes of fairness, leadership, sportsmanship and participation.
Project Club - All Year 5-7 students engage in the Project Club which has a term based charity fundraising focus and a variety of associated events. Student leadership and young democracy is the aim of the program and the Project Club is owned and run by the students who also ensure they are fundraising for their school camps. Students elect a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Media Team executive.
Student Leadership - A School Captain and Vice-Captains are elected by the students on an annual basis from the graduating or senior year levels. These students work alongside the school students, staff and community to ensure that the voice, responsibilities, rights, beliefs and traditions of the school are upheld and advanced.
SWD Program- A Students with Disabilities Program has been implemented to cater for the diverse needs of students at Coalstoun Lakes. Teachers and Teacher Aides are have been working on building their capabilities in this specialized area. CLSS has built many partnerships within and beyond the community to support this program and improve the effectiveness of the program.
SWPBS (Schoolwide Positive Behaviour System) has been implemented at Coalstoun Lakes to ensure consistence of practice amongst staff and students. It is also used to implement the values of the students and keep the school rules to three simple, but effective categories- Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be a Learner.